Bring in Spring

Ah Spring... time to usher out the old energy of Winter and clear the way for the sunny, fun months.
Here are 5 things we're planning to do this Spring.

I • Spruce with Juice

It's not surprising that juicing has become one of the world's biggest health crazes - there are so, so many health benefits to be had by including fresh green juices into your diet. Whether you decide to detox on a 3-day cleanse, or just add one green juice a day into your diet, Spring time is the perfect time to give juicing a try.

We plan on kick-starting these pre-Summer days with a chilled glass of antioxidants, energy and health!

Find yummy juice recipes here or here.

II • Bring the Outdoors In

Celebrate nature's new lease of life by bringing it into your home. Go on a Sunday stroll and pick flowers from around your neighbourhood, or treat yourself to a new potted plant. In interior design world, indoor plants are in again.

III • De-Clutter

We love this quote - and plan to use it to de-clutter our home this month. Out with the old!

Simplifying your space is an easy way to give it a touch more class and style. Plus, there's something strangely thrilling about throwing out life's flotsam and jetsam. Just remember to give what you don't want to charity...

IV • Re-Decorate

A change is as good as a rest, as they say. At this time of year, we love taking a fresh look at each room and the way its laid out and decorated.

Here are some ideas:

• Try a new furniture layout (like not facing everything in a lounge towards the TV!) • Move art to different walls • Move a chair or side table to a new room • Create a little reading, breakfast or chill-out nook • Re-format rooms so they're better able to bask in the extra sun we have this time of year • Create a sense of entrance at your front door • Re-organise bookshelves - arrange by colours, try stacking instead of arranging vertically • Take out special items that you normally keep out of sight 'for special occasions' - make every day a special occasion! • Try out a new colour on your front door - something bright, perhaps... • Change up your bedside tables with a new vignette of favourite things • Play with introducing a new colour into your living areas - like pops of sunny yellow!

V • Get Gardening

To enjoy the tastiest fresh salads with those BBQ dinners this summer, now's the time to get into the garden!

First, get rid of all the weeds and dead plants, to leave a nice blank canvas to start with. Then turn the soil to aerate it and add in compost. Then spread fertiliser over the bed and fork it through the soil. Now your plants have a nice, moist, nutrient-rich bed in which to thrive!

This year we're going to put in a few plants each weekend - rather than doing the whole summer garden in one weekend. Succession planting means we won't have a glut of one veggie ready all at once.

Did you see that we're having a Springtime Sale?
Click here to save hundreds on a luxury hammock, bean bag chair or ottoman.

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